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Getting your musical ideas to sound like they do in your head can be tricky.

Perhaps you’re in a band that’s recorded before and ended up with something that was either shoddy, or even over produced.

Whatever the issue, it just didn’t sound right. ​​ That’s where I come in… ​

I make real recordings of you, your band,your album, or your EP and those recordings will sound like a proper record, but more importantly, they’ll sound like you.

Whether you’re a musician, band, singer, song writer, author, management company, small label etc, I can produce a finished product that


Here at AlienSound, we prioritise the SOUND over all the other nonsense.


We do music, audiobooks, podcasts, TV / Radio jingles, stings & themes,

hypnotherapy tapes, mixing, audio restoration, production, arrangement,

song-writing, backing-vocals and everything else in this galaxy of sound.

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